Thursday, June 12, 2014

Texas University Killing Lambs for So-Called Research

A message from the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine.

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Texas A&M University is injecting pregnant sheep with alcohol to study fetal alcohol syndrome. Before the lambs are born, they are removed and killed, so their brains can be studied. The mother sheep are killed, too. It's horribly cruel, and completely senseless.

These animal experiments have been going on for more than 17 years – yet they haven't helped a single human mother or child!

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) is working hard to stop these unusually cruel experiments. We've flooded Texas A&M with petitions, we've met with decision makers, and we're getting the facts out through two billboards outside the campus. But we must do more before another animal is harmed!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Volunteers for Sea Lions Needed in Oregon

The following message from In Defense of Animals calls for volunteers for seals in Bonneville Dam and Astoria, Oregon.

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In Defense of Animals and the Sea Lion Defense Brigade (SLDB) are seeking passionate, dedicated individuals to be volunteer observers throughout the spring at the Bonneville Dam and in Astoria, Oregon near Pier 36. The Columbia River sea lions need reliable eyes and ears on the river to assist in ending the lethal removal program.

If you have a still camera, binoculars, and/or video equipment and time to help, please volunteer with SLDB at either the Bonneville Dam or in Astoria.

The sea lion killing program is more about politics than sound science. Sea lions are being trapped, branded, and killed for eating 1% of the fish while humans' predation is at an all time high of 17%.

Sea Lions are being scapegoated by the fishing industry. Science shows the importance of protecting keystone species in the ecology and removing these species from an eco-system causes harm to the system as a whole.

For information about how you can help, or to volunteer, please contact Eric at

For more information about IDA and our campaigns to help animals, please visit

Monday, January 6, 2014

Save the White Rhino by Getting It Back on CITES Appendix I.

The following petition has been launched on to ask Prince Charles to use his considerable

influence in the World to assist Wild and Free SA with a campaign to prevent the commercialization of rhinos.
The South African government has indicated its intention to propose for rhino horn trade at CITES CoP17 in 2016. It is in the pro-traders interests to delay any decisions or solutions because they are pursuing the practice of breeding rhinos in captivity. The technology exists to identify Rhinos using RhODIS DNA profiling and this will be used to identify which rhinos were born in captivity. According to the convention, those will be permanently on CITES Appendix II and always subject to trade. This will lead to the loss of rhinos in the wild.

Sign the Petition