Monday, June 27, 2011

The Kimberley and Humpback Whales are in Danger!

Australia’s Kimberley region becomes a nursery for the world’s largest Humpback Whales population every winter due to its natural, unspoiled conditions of the marine and coastal zones. But greed for growing against nature is now heading this heavenly part of the planet too as multinational companies are fixing their ‘commercial eyes’ on the region for mining and drilling projects to exploit the natural resources of the region. In other words, destruction of nature and natural life!

The care2 petition site is gathering caring voices to save the beautiful natural home of Humpback Whales and other life forms from destruction by commercial ventures. An online petition has been created by Care2 to urge upon Environment Minister Tony Burke for saying No to industrialization of the region and protecting the region’s whales and other life from the horrors of industrial expansion.

To sign the petition, visist this page.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Save Seals from Killing!

Killing is usually the first solution that comes to the reason-starved human authorities whenever they face a problem – be it the killing of animals or of other innocent humans. Take the latest case of sea lions for example. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has permitted killing of sea lions that swim up to eat endangered salmon in the Columbia River.

This despite the fact that seals prey on no more than 2.4% of salmon population in the river. And Washington and Oregon states have got the permission from NOAA to kill 85 seals that prey on salmon. Reason would ask “why kill the seals?” Safer solutions of saving salmon without harming the seals can be thought. It seems NOAA, like many other entities, know of only one solution – killing animals to save others, which’s both unnatural an inhuman, given the limited occurrence of seals themselves.

But caring souls speak up against the cruelty and unreason. Care2 has created a petition page asking all caring people to sign the petition that asks NOAA to repeal its decision of killing seals. Please sign the petition and have innocent animals from losing their precious lives. We believe and hope that salmons would be protected by other methods without harming the seals. And you are all, of course, encouraged to send your suggestions to NOAA in your personalized note as the petition’s content.

Thank you all,

PS: I am particularly thankful to our nature-lover friend Caroline Vimla who shared the petition page’s link to the above issue on Facebook.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Save Princess from Death

No matter how loving and caring, dogs continue to face death by humans. And yet, humans are the ones who can save them. Here is another case of caring humans raising voice for a pet dog Princess, a 7-year-old jack Russell Terrier who now faces impending death because she is now more wanted at the house where she was a pet dog. Reason? A new baby is born in that house and Princess has been abandoned to a shelter. Worse yet, she faces euthanasia if somebody didn’t adopt her.

The shy, family-friendly Princess doesn’t deserve t be put to death simply because anther life was born and displaced her. As Martha Jette mentions in her post, Princess does not deserve to be put down simply because she is now in the way. Those who think they can take in a beautiful, caring dog, are requested to consider adopting Princess and saving her life from being killed.

To save Princess, email now. Use the subject line “Pet Inquiry: Princess #110038”.

Thank you all,

Save Life!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Save Australian Camels from Massacre!

Not individuals but even governments would often contrive absurdnale (an absurd rationale) to keep alive the tradition of killing incident life forms. Such is the recent ‘plan’ of the Australian government, which means to allow a shooting massacre of Australia’s feral camels. And the reason? Because, as per the absurdnale, camels belch methane and are adding to the global-warming/greenhouse threat to the environment. It’ hard to find the right words to condemn this ridicule of environment and morality.

Not even bothering to remind about the real culprits of the environmental degradation (read human industries and warfare plus artificial lifestyles), the post clearly tells that the quantity of methane produced by a camel is one-sixth of equivalent greenhouse emissions an average car produces. In other words, six camels – large, living, breathing, animals with every right to live – will have to be killed in order to save the auto-industry and sick lifestyle of contemporary Homo sapiens. Does that make sense?

Camels can be a source of milk and it is very much a need in arid areas in Arabian and African regions. So instead of killing them, the Aussies may exchange them for food or other commodities in areas where camels are needed for making a living. Killing is not the only solution, let alone a good one, as against the blood-shedding inclination of many humans, and governments.

Please write to the Australian government and tell them that killing camels isn’t human. So let the camels be given in trade or just a donation to poor countries where they can be used as sources of transport and dairy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Protect Guatemalan Mothers from Death!

In the 21st century, mothers keep dying in the supposedly most advanced species on the planet – humans!

Care2 tells that Indigenous women in Guatemala are three times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than non-indigenous women. These alarming statistics are the result of a range of factors including discrimination and cultural, financial, and physical barriers.

Health authorities in Guatemala are trying to address this issue but they need to carry out a lot of serious research in order to have a clear undersatdning of the causes of pregnancy and/or childbirth-related deaths.

In an email notification, Care2 has asked all caring people to Sign the Petition, to be forwarded through Health Poverty Action's Mothers on the Margins campaign, urging the Guatemalan government to protect indigenous mothers.