Liquor and sadism, when let in together, rob a man of all humanity and make a hideous monster of him, one that has no memory of what pain is, and no respect for life. This is the least one could say about the unbelievably cruel crime of two intoxicated youths in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, last month. They chose to victimize a dog and their unfortunate target came to be a German Shepherd, called Vucko. The young brutes taped fireworks/bomb to Vucko’s mouth and blew it, causing the dog the worst pain possible, with horrible facial mutilation, followed by infection of the wound.
Though he was examined by vets, Vucko had little chance to get to life and he was euthanized by the authorities. His story was posted on blogs of animal lovers/supporters of animal rights, but not published in any regular media outlet. However, on social media, the call for justice in his case received a lot of support. Still now, caring people are asking the concerned authorities to take action against the criminal youths who inflicted such horrific pain on Vucko. More than one activism sites are hosting petitions asking for justice in Vucko’s case.
Please sign the petition to make sure Vucko’s murderers are not spared and are brought to justice. Also, please share on Facebook and your social media pages/blogs to do justice to Vucko by including your voice. Brutality to innocent animals is unbearable. Let us put an end to it!
I learned about the story of Vucko last December. As a parent of four dogs, it was unbearable to imagine what Vucko has gone through. I just hope that the media will bring up once again this story. While people in Bosnia say that there are more problems in their country that need immediate attention, still it is not an excuse to ignore and walk away from the pain of the animals. I wish to God that these young criminals will be found and more people will come forward to help Vucko find justice.