In her breathtaking western novel The Last Cowgirl, Jana Richman showed us through the eyes of a child that a cow is so very different from its pieces sold by a butcher. And that holds true for all living, breathing animals, including sharks that are being recklessly exterminated by some human cultures simply because their followers have a taste for shark-fin soup. Beside others, Singapore is a major trader of shark fins for which millions of sharks are killed brutally each year, their bodies dumped back in the sea after their fins are cut off. What can be more brutal? Yes, relishing the soup that comes from shedding blood.
No wonder then that 180 species of sharks are threatened for existence this year. Sadly, the lay person has no authority to stop this brutality. But they do have the voice, and using it is the moral obligation as a life form that has a right to exist on planet earth. Caring people are raising their voice to ask the Singaporean government to limit or ban shark fin trade in their country. Please take a moment to save sharks from killing by visiting the petition page at Care2 and signing it. Let life prevail against a cup of soup!
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