The day that the first human born with a fully exploitative gene in his constitution breathed on this planet must have been a dark phase in the history of life on this planet. And worse would have been the day when humans learnt the use of making chains. Not only will he use this instrument of torture on his own kind but terrorize innocent animals and enslave them. And if that wasn’t enough, take a good look at this innocent baby elephant, named Paloh, who has been chained torturously at the Johor Zoo in Malaysia.
As this post on Free Malaysia Today describes, Paloh feet has been chained so tightly that she can’t sit or lie down for rest, forced to stand in place. When the need to shift position presses too hard on the baby animal, it helplessly tries to make two-footed hops sidewise. Investigators consider Paloh’s torture at the zoo as one of the worst cases of cruelty to animals ever witnessed in the country. It’s the little-seen end of sadism, the sickness that eats away all that crosses its dark path. Paloh’s angst is a reminder that a country like Malaysia, rich in nature’s gift of life, still has to go a long way before making a claim to civilization.
Animal lovers, supporters, and activists are sharing the link to Paloh’s heart-rending story on Facebook and blogs. Change.org has already created a petition page to ask Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to order the concerned management for freeing Paloh. The right course of action of course would be to punish the person(s) responsible for this act of cruelty and make sure nothing of the sort happens in future.
Please take a moment to sign the petition page here in order to free the helpless baby elephant from chains.
Great work Ernest. Thanks for being Paloh's voice