No matter how loving and caring, dogs continue to face death by humans. And yet, humans are the ones who can save them. Here is another case of caring humans raising voice for a pet dog Princess, a 7-year-old jack Russell Terrier who now faces impending death because she is now more wanted at the house where she was a pet dog. Reason? A new baby is born in that house and Princess has been abandoned to a shelter. Worse yet, she faces euthanasia if somebody didn’t adopt her.
The shy, family-friendly Princess doesn’t deserve t be put to death simply because anther life was born and displaced her. As Martha Jette mentions in her post, Princess does not deserve to be put down simply because she is now in the way. Those who think they can take in a beautiful, caring dog, are requested to consider adopting Princess and saving her life from being killed.
To save Princess, email now. Use the subject line “Pet Inquiry: Princess #110038”.
Thank you all,
Save Life!
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