The following message come from Greenpeace, UK.
Right now, polar bears are experiencing the most challenging Arctic landscape in recorded history. As the climate warms, their habitat continues to shrink, threatening the survival of their species. But in the face of this urgent crisis, greedy oil companies, like Shell, are on the prowl for profit.
Please will you make an urgent donation to help save the this pristine Arctic environment from the threat of oils spills and industrialisation?
Polar bears need the sea ice to hunt. But even as I write to you now, the sea ice is retreating further than ever recorded. Many polar bears will have to fast for longer, and swim even further in the search for food. Life is getting harder for Artic wildlife, especially now that Shell is poised to drill for oil that was previously kept safe beneath the summer sea ice.
Last year alone Shell admitted to causing 207 'significant' oil spills worldwide, in places like the North Sea and Nigeria. Any one of those would be an even greater disaster in the treacherous conditions of the remote Arctic and for a polar bear mother trying to feed her cubs. With your support, we won't let that happen. Please make an urgent gift to save the Arctic right now.
Last week I wrote to you to ask for help in reaching our £25,000 target for September. We were blown away by the incredible response and we have so far received nearly double this amount. This means our autumn activities can go ahead, and give us greater confidence to build an even bigger campaign in in 2013. But the lowest ever recorded level of sea ice will occur in the coming days and we still need your help. This is our chance to change the course of history.
Right now, our ship, the Arctic Sunrise is travelling north, to document the effects of climate change. Together, we can make sure the world bears witness to the historical moment when the Arctic sea ice melts to the lowest level ever recorded. With your support, we can begin the process with the international community to protect the Arctic at our Polar Summit in New York, alongside the UN General Assembly later this month.
Shell has spent more than $4.5 billion on this project already. But we have something even more powerful, something Shell doesn't have. And that's you. Our plan, and the beautiful species that call the Arctic their home, all depend on your support. Help multiply our impact by adding your support to one of the biggest campaigns we've ever undertaken.
Thanks for everything you've done to support this incredibly important campaign,
Nic and all of us at Greenpeace
P.S. We know we can win. We've done it before. It was years of relentless Greenpeace campaigning that led to Antarctica being declared a world park, safe from exploitation of its natural resources. With your support we can protect the Arctic, too. Please make an urgent donation today.
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