Monday, January 6, 2014

Save the White Rhino by Getting It Back on CITES Appendix I.

The following petition has been launched on to ask Prince Charles to use his considerable

influence in the World to assist Wild and Free SA with a campaign to prevent the commercialization of rhinos.
The South African government has indicated its intention to propose for rhino horn trade at CITES CoP17 in 2016. It is in the pro-traders interests to delay any decisions or solutions because they are pursuing the practice of breeding rhinos in captivity. The technology exists to identify Rhinos using RhODIS DNA profiling and this will be used to identify which rhinos were born in captivity. According to the convention, those will be permanently on CITES Appendix II and always subject to trade. This will lead to the loss of rhinos in the wild.

Sign the Petition