The following post on Facebook speaks for a dog that is in urgent need of rescue in Kentucky.
EXTREMELY URGENT! Was scheduled to be PTS last week and has gotten 2 REPRIEVES! NO MORE EXTENSIONS! COULD DIE ANY MOMENT ~ Will be first to DIE when the shelter gets full!
Wilson describes himself thus:
Hello, I’m Wilson and I’m a lab possible boxer mix, about 2 years old, male, owner surrender. My owner couldn’t take care of me anymore so that’s how I ended up in this shelter. I’m a really handsome boy with a lot of charisma and have a lot to offer to a family. I can be a friend to play with, a snuggle buddy to lounge around with, or really anything you want me to be. I’m here to please! I just want to find someone that will love me and take care of me forever!
Love, Wilson
This dog is in IMMEDIATE DANGER! Already cheated death TWICE and is on BORROWED TIME!
NEEDS RESCUE NOW! Will DIE first if many more come in the shelter!!
ADOPTERS: Visit the Estill County Animal Shelter NOW! In IMMEDIATE DANGER! Open 8 am - 3 pm. SHELTER CLOSED ON WEEKENDS! They are located at 50 Ginter Road, Ravenna, KY.