Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wilson in Urgent Need of Rescue in KY

The following post on Facebook speaks for a dog that is in urgent need of rescue in Kentucky.
EXTREMELY URGENT! Was scheduled to be PTS last week and has gotten 2 REPRIEVES! NO MORE EXTENSIONS! COULD DIE ANY MOMENT ~ Will be first to DIE when the shelter gets full!
Wilson describes himself thus:

Hello, I’m Wilson and I’m a lab possible boxer mix, about 2 years old, male, owner surrender. My owner couldn’t take care of me anymore so that’s how I ended up in this shelter. I’m a really handsome boy with a lot of charisma and have a lot to offer to a family. I can be a friend to play with, a snuggle buddy to lounge around with, or really anything you want me to be. I’m here to please! I just want to find someone that will love me and take care of me forever!
Love, Wilson

This dog is in IMMEDIATE DANGER! Already cheated death TWICE and is on BORROWED TIME!
NEEDS RESCUE NOW! Will DIE first if many more come in the shelter!!
RESCUES: twhrarescueoffers@gmail.com  
SPONSORS: twhrasponsorships@gmail.com  
ADOPTERS: Visit the Estill County Animal Shelter NOW! In IMMEDIATE DANGER! Open 8 am - 3 pm. SHELTER CLOSED ON WEEKENDS! They are located at 50 Ginter Road, Ravenna, KY.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fosters for Rescued Dogs Needed in Florida

Here is a call for caring people who can foster dogs rescued by the Allen Babcock Rescue in Plantation, FL:
Allen Babcock Rescue is in DESPERATE need of fosters in the Fort Lauderdale are - If you have been thinking about fostering but have not - NOW IS THE TIME - without fosters, rescues cannot save the dogs!!!!! If you can open your home for a short time to save a life, please contact http://babcockrescue.com/Volunteer.html.

Please contact today to save a life!

24 Hours to Save Casper from Death

Casper is no ghost. He is a cuddly white- and-black, 8-month young pit bull pup in Orlando, Florida. Though a Fantasy Football Favorite, Casper faces possible death on Monday October 29, unless adopted by someone.

The Facebook post about Casper tells that he has been at the Orange County Animal Services, FL, since Tuesday, October 16, 2012. Friendly and heartworm tested (negative), his animal ID at the shelter is A248503. He is scheduled to be euthanized on Monday and thus needs immediate rescue by someone who can foster or directly adopt him. He is Fantasy Football Favorite! That means his adoption fee has been waived to help him find a forever home.

To save Casper, please contact the shelter at the address pasted below:  

Orange County Animal Services
Pet Rescue & Adoption Center
2769 Conroy Road
Orlando, FL 32839-2162
Email: AnimalServices@ocfl.net
Phone: 407-836-3111

Thank you! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Smokey in California Needs Urgent Rescue

An unaltered male, brown brindle and white Pit Bull Terrier, named Smokey is on the Red List now at the shelter where he has been kept, awaiting adoption. If not pulled urgently by a rescue or anyone who adopts him, Smokey may be put to sleep.

Smokey's profile is available online at the link and tells that he has been at the Harbor Animal Care Center, San Pedro, CA, since 18th September. A Facebook post  about Smokey reads:

Smokey is a handsome and distinguished fellow who is friendly and happy and a joy to be around. Smokey would love to be your lap dog and share a lifetime of hugs with you. Smokey is kept in ISO where no one can see him because he has a wound on the left side of his face. Please consider rescuing or adopting Smokey!

To rescue or adopt Smokey, please contact the Shelter at the following address:

Harbor Animal Care Center, San Pedro, CA
Direct Line 310.548.2632
Kennel Supervisor, Gerald Hill,
city cell 213.305.8312

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Australia Should Stop the Cruel Practice of Live Animal Export

Australia has been shipping live animals to other countries where they are brutally killed or slaughtered. A petition has been started online to urge the Australian parliament to stop exporting animals. The petition reads:

A recently released video shows a brutal cull of 10,000 sheep sent to Pakistan from Australia, with some of the animals being stabbed or buried alive. Though the shipment of 21,000 sheep had passed earlier health checks, authorities later found they were infected with salmonella and anthrax.

And as the petition notes, Australia also exported several thousand baby cows to Egypt where they were stranded for weeks at a port before were finally slaughtered.
To stop such cruelty for corporate interests, the petition seeks a ban on live export of animals from Australia.

To sign the petition, click here

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog month – time when you give you a canine buddy a home and get love, loyalty, and companionship in return. Following is the email message sent to subscribers by Greater Good Network, a site that rescues animals through sale of a variety of exciting items.

It's Adopt a Shelter Dog Month--the perfect occasion to visit your local animal shelter and become acquainted with a new furry friend! Shelter dogs can improve your life for the better in so many ways. They encourage you to get outside for exercise, alert you to potential home intruders, provide assistance and companionship, and improve your mood every single day!

If you are unable to adopt a dog this month, don't worry, there are still ways you can help! Consider fostering animals in your home temporarily or volunteering at your local shelter.

A small donation will also help a shelter dog find a loving forever home. Every little bit you do will improve the lives of dogs in need, so get out there and take part! Today, pledge to do whatever you can to help shelter dogs for the rest of October and beyond!

Visit the Greater Good Network website at https://theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/

Monday, October 8, 2012

Will ‘Journey’ End Today?

An American Staffordshire named Journey, just one year old, is the favorite dog of volunteers at a shelter in California, but today is his last chance at life.

Following comes from a post on examiner.com:

Journey is a favorite with the volunteers at the North Central Los Angeles animal care facility. Those people who have had the pleasure of meeting this young dog describe him as "gentle, like a kitten."
Despite the chaos of the shelter environment, Journey maintains an even keel, wearing a big smile on his handsome face and a happily wagging his tail.
Journey is non-reactive around the other dogs at the facility and he walks well on a leash.
The volunteers who love Journey feel helpless and are reaching out for assistance. They have created a short video of this young dog, with the hopes that someone else will fall in love with him as much as they have.

Click here to view.

According to the volunteers, Journey has until 3:00 p.m. (PST) to be tagged for rescue or adoption.
•      A1340860
•      Approximate age 1 year
•      Approximate weight, 64 pounds
•      North Central LA City shelter. 213-485-5767, 3201 Lacy St. Los Angeles, Calif.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Handsome and Friendly Dog in NYC Needs Immediate Rescue

While he looks handsome as a film star in his tuxedo, Brooklyn finds himself on “the list” tonight. Black dogs are typically slower to get adopted than dogs of other colors. And Brooklyn faces death for lack of space unless pulled urgently from the New York pound where he is caged.  

A volunteer writes in Brooklyn’s voice:

Hi - I'm Brooklyn! How dashing am I in my tuxedo coat and bow tie? I had a date with a volunteer so wanted to look my best! I was surrendered by my owner who is moving somewhere where I wasn't welcome. I lived with other dogs and like to play. I'm house trained, crate trained, friendly to everyone, like children and know “sit” and “stay”. My former family took good care of me, my weight is perfect, my coat gleams, and I was trained to walk well on the leash. I'm pretty much a rock star if I do say so myself. I'm hoping you will ask to meet me when you visit, as I would really like to find a new family to take care of.

Very friendly toward all, Brooklyn is an awesome boy with wonderful soft energy who is looking for a new home. He is neutered and ready to put his head in your lap for some snuggles.

Formal behavior evaluation tells that Brooklyn was calm and relaxed during handling and when playing tag with assessor. He did not resist being handled while eating, and was easily
pushed out of the food bowl, but was not interested in toys or rawhide. Brooklyn was stiff when approaching other dog, but showed no aggression.

Brooklyn is available for direct adoption at the Manhattan Animal Care & Control in NYC (326 E 110th Street, New York, NY 10029) (shelter website: http://www.nycacc.org/).

For information on HOW TO ADOPT please view: http://on.fb.me/Q4x1VS.

If you would like to foster this dog, or would like to adopt but cannot make it to the shelter directly, please contact rescue groups for assistance: http://www.bruisednotbroken.com/rescues.pdf. Contact as many rescue groups as you can until you (hopefully) find one that is willing to send you an application and, pending approval, "pull" this dog for you.