Earlier this month, Care2 started a petition to save homeless dogs and other homeless animals in Ukraine. While that petition still has several thousand signatures to get in order to meet its target of 500, 000 signatures, homeless dogs in Russia have been put at the risk of maltreatment and possible death.
News coverage of homeless dogs in Russia is presented in this YouTube video about Moscow’s stray dogs. One can see, enjoy, and appreciate how these friendly four-legged citizens of the Russian metropolitan have adapted to the busy urban life, some of them actually traveling via subways along with fellow human passengers. They are liked and loved by many people and fed too.
Yet, many people in Russia complain that the strays are a bother and should be removed from places of public (aka ‘human’) use. The Russian president is thinking of having the Moscow’s homeless dogs removed from the city to a facility 150 miles outside the city. This has created great concern among those concerned with safety of animals as the facility in question is considered by many to be infested with disease, so the dogs moved there are likely to become ill and may not survive for long.
Care2 is hosting a petition to ask the Russian president for considering to drop his plan for abandoning the dogs to an unhygienic facility and instead work with animal welfare groups for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the homeless dogs of Moscow. Please visit the petition page to voice your concern to the Russian president and sign the petition to save the dogs that are peaceful members of Moscow.
Those who haven’t yet signed the petition to save Ukraine’s dogs, please visit the related petition page and sign the petition now to end the cruelty shown to animal life in Ukraine